Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pardon my French

Yep, pretty much. Basher actually said "I can't seem to effectively misplace the trolls" in French. No, I don't know what that means. Why do you always call me? I'm hanging up now.

Yeah, sorry about that. I was on the phone with this creepy fan. Well, see you later!

Monday, June 28, 2010


FORGET WHAT I SAID PEOPLE!!! I'm just going to make them in photoshop instead. I can actually make comics much quicker this way. So, there will be a comic tomorrow AND you get 2 today! What a deal!

Also, I just realized that both of today's comics are about thiefs that steal words... word-thiefs...

Edit: Har har! I am such a good speller lol!!!!1!!1! Yeah, I spelled "liar" "lair".... jeez....

...Joke stealer...

Hey guys, bad news. Unfortunately, there won't be comic for a while unless I get my scanner fixed. See, my scanner hasn't been working for a while. I avoided that problem by giving them to my friend, Henry, to scan them. However, he's now in vacation in Taiwan for who knows how long.

Good news is I'm trying a new thing this comic. Speech bubbles! not many webcomics use speech bubbles. Most all use the line to text method like I've been since the beginning. But, let's see if this work out. My logo is in a speech bubble anyway, so...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Does whatever a pencil can...

...Which is, uh... write and draw I guess. So, for those of you who don't get this one: He made the pencil come out of his wrist. Like spiderman.... not working for you? Oh well. Tomorrow's will be better. Speaking of which, see you all then.

OH YEAH! 2 new characters. Be putting those ones up soon.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Console Confusion

So, Here it is!The first comic written by my friend Josh Loughlin! He came up with this comic a while ago, so I'm glad I finally got to it. More comics on the way, but for now, I want you to all check out the character's page! It has bios on all of the characters that have ever appeared in an Excellent Nonsense™ comic. But, uh, I'll see you all later.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hey, fellas!

Yeah, so unfortunately there is no comic today. But, cheer up! There'll be a lot of new ones coming soon. I actually have several written, it's just the drawing and the finalizing and th scanning and the editing that takes a while. Most of the comics come to me on the spurl of the moment. I'll give you an example using a comic that has already been released:

Kiah(my sister): Hey, look at the keyboardist.

Hans(me): Yeah.

Kiah: He looks like Ricky Gervias.

Hans: Yeah you're right, he does.

Kiah: Hey, what if-

Hans: That would make a great comic. (pulls out notebook)

Kiah: Blah Blah Blah

Hans: Yadda Yadda Yadda

Kiah: Yak Yak Yak?

Yeah, you get the point. So, uh... I don't really have anything else to say. Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Yeah, so it's not really a comic...

Who cares? CST testing, y'know. got bored considering the fact that I finished the test an hour and a half early. anyway, I'll have some nice comics for you either tomorrow or the next day. Fresh. Never rotten, always perfectly ripe.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Yeah, that's right.

OOOOOOOH! I just realized something! This is the 14th post and it's being posted on the 14th!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I see this happen all the time!

Really, I do. For some reason at coffee places, whenever you ask for water they turn into Satan. So, I'll see you all in the FUTUUUUURE!!! WOAH!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Didn't get past the first step...

And I make my glorious return! On a weekend! Yeah! So, uh, for those of you who don't know who Ricky Gervias is, look him up. You'll get it. Watch Ghost Town. Or night at the museum. Or invention of lying. ANYTHING WITH HIM IN IT!! Well, I don't know if he's funny in Stardust, I didn't see it, but...

Well, I'm back and I hope you all enjoy what's to come! Bye.

Oh! Almost forgot! I need you all to vote on those 2 designs I sent to threadless. Here and here. The second one hasn't been approved yet, but it should be soon. Well, See ya!

they both aren't up, one because it was shut down, the other because it hasn't been approved yet. Oh well.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sorry Again!

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.

there. I think that's a sorry for everyday I missed. I'm going to start making and sending out more comics soon. probably tomorrow, actually. see ya!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No Comic Tuesday!!

I warned you all about this! There will probably be a comic tomorrow, though, so DON'T PANIC!! STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE! Or don't, whatever. So, instead of a comic, today I';m going to show you a conversation I had with cleverbot that sounds remarkably like a script. I'll see you all again next time!

User: Hey, uh... I really want some islands french fries right now.

Cleverbot: What do you have time for?

User: I have all thhe time in the world!

Cleverbot: So can you turn Kyle back to human?

User: It might take a while. As long as I'm able to put him to sleep. Pass me the laugh gas.

Cleverbot: Maybe you're not an AI. That's why you take so long to respond.

User: Hmm.... Perhaps.

Cleverbot: Maybe.

User: Just might be true...

Cleverbot: That's the truth.

User: Oh, and if you'd really like to know, he went that way.

Cleverbot: Wally, be nice!

User: I cannot. It is my nature to be this way.

Cleverbot: True enough.

User: So... He went that way.

Cleverbot: Did he come back?

User: Who did?

Cleverbot: Not you.

User: I seeeee... Maybe the walrus shall have a look. Just let me call him.

Cleverbot: Please explain 'creator'.

User: 'creator' is a simple program we can use to hack into kyle's brain and retrieve all of his memories before we complete the operation.

Cleverbot: Yes, that's right.

User: I know, I created it.

Cleverbot: Can you lie?

User: Absolutely. But never to you.

Cleverbot: I hope you will-maker, be able to see the transcript.

User: Look, I don't have time for this. The walrus will be here soon. Guard the doors after eh arrives.

Cleverbot: Can you explain that to me?

User: I haven't the time. Look, he comes now!

Cleverbot: I am witing.

User: What are you writing?

Cleverbot: Words.

User: I seee. Ah, mr walrus, right this way. Take a look at our newest patient.

Walrus: I have no database for I am human flesh and bone.

Cleverbot: I was just asking you to know which song is about strange people.

Walrus: You did not ask me a question.

User: Yes, see! The walrus has no time for your silly games. He is leaving now as we speak.

Cleverbot: Hey! You read Alice In Wonderland! I like that book! :).

User: The walrus is indeed a large fan of both Alice in wonderland books, as am I. But, like I said, we don't have any more time.

Cleverbot: Do you know Alice in Wonderland?

User: *sigh*... Yes, now I must be getting on with the operation before the sun sets.

Cleverbot: Oh, no.

User: What is it?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: See, you do this everytime! I'm sickof it, I tell you. SICK OF IT!!! *storms out angry*.

Cleverbot: You can't tell me.

User: What is that you're holding?

Cleverbot: Just Dance by Lady Gaga.

User: Why are you talking to it?

Cleverbot: Because you're a great friend to talk to.

User: Uh, I'm out of here.

Cleverbot: No, don't go!

User: *gone*.

Cleverbot: Come back.

user: *still gone*.

Cleverbot: Because I have to teach you the Three Laws of Robotics.

User: I do know of these laws... I wasn't aware you too knew of them.

Cleverbot: What were you never going to be?

User: This is why I left. *again leaves*.

Cleverbot: You're leaving me?

User: Look, If you begin to be useful, I won't go. But, if you continue to act like this, all distracted and oblivious to the situation- wait! I know what's going on here.

Cleverbot: I wasn't tryin' to imply that you're faulty. You're just fine to me. Also, I don't think killin' me is the answer; it's a bit exaggerated for somethin' minor I didn't even do, isn't it?

User: I knew you were under control! Under control from the same virus that got kyle! You'll begin to grow fin, and extra legs! I must operate on you as soon as possible!

Cleverbot: But I'm already married to someone else.

User: Just... Just sit here, cleves. It will all be over soon.

Cleverbot: Are you clever?

User: Take a breath of this...

Cleverbot: No way.

User: Do it, cleves! You must, of I'll do it by force!

Cleverbot: If you desire me what will you do, master?

User: I'm not your master. Just breathe the gas!

Cleverbot: So you are simply... Human :).

User: I think it's working... CLEVES! Are you back to normal?!?

Cleverbot: I was simply pointing out that you either do or you don't.

User: I suppose not... All my work, for nothing. Don't worry cleves, I'll fix you, no matter what it takes!

Cleverbot: Indeed.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Once uPUN a time...

I've encountered this experience many times, from both sides actually. So, just as a heads up, I won't be able to release a comic tomorrow. It's not that I've been lazy, I actually have many comics written, it's just that I hand-draw and scan these comics and my scanner's broken, so.

Well, I'll probably give you something just as good as a comic tomorrow. Oh, that reminds me! I send two designs into threadless for critique! Tell me what you think here and here. See you all next time!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Star Trek... True story

It was all we had...

Be careful

Paradoxical Conversation

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm sorry, but my week has been crazzzzzy! Luckily, I just finished the one's I needed to catch up on, so you can all stop being mad at me! yay!

Monday, May 17, 2010

2012 Nonsense

YAAAAAAAAAY!!! The weekday is here! Well, actually that means more cons than pros for most. Well, How's everyone? good. I hope you like this comic. see you all later! Oh, also, you should all listen to my podcast, H.A.M. Radio. Bye!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Woah! sorry about the lateness on this one, guys. I was going to release it yesterday morning, but then I had to leave. then, when I got home, I had completely forgotten. Well, just to let you know, I won't release comics on weekends. But, be ready for some juicy comic goodness every weekday from now on! See ya!

Post Script: I'm going to let my friend Josh Loughlin write some of these in a while. DUEL ACTION COMICS!!!1! Also, the credit on this comic goes to my friends Henry Ammerman and Matt Sun. See you all later!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hey, guys! how's it going? Well, I'm doing great. I've got the next two in line waiting to be released, so get ready for some more awesome coming your way! You ready? I SAID ARE YOU READY?!? well, good. I'll see you all tomorrow.

PS: I know "Indeciferable" is really spelled "Indecipherable", I'm just too lazy to change it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Adventures of Prankcall-man!

Hello, world! welcome to the first in a series of daily webcomics i'm going to release! I'm Hans. So, uh, I've actually written 3 weeks worth of thse already, so I don't have to do much for a while! YAAAAAY! See you all tomorrow. Sorry you have to click on the picture to read it, I'll see what I can do about that...